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Cucumber benefits for health

LINK YANG ANDA TUJU ADA DI BAWAH ARTIKEL Cucumber is a fruit that is usually served as a complement to vegetables, pickles, or vegeta...

Benefits of guava for health

LINK YANG ANDA TUJU ADA DI BAWAH ARTIKEL The content of Red Guava Guava (Psidium guajava) is the most common type of guava or guava...

Benefits of star fruit for health

LINK YANG ANDA TUJU ADA DI BAWAH ARTIKEL Star fruit or Averrhoa carambola is a golden yellow tropical fruit with a distinctive taste a...

Benefits of dates for health

LINK YANG ANDA TUJU ADA DIBAEAH ARTIKEL Dates become one of the foods that should not be absent every month of Ramadan. Well, it turns ...