Benefits of dates for health

Dates become one of the foods that should not be absent every month of Ramadan. Well, it turns out that consuming 3 dates every day of the week will provide extraordinary benefits.

Reported by HiMedik from, dates as a dessert have amazing properties for the health of our body and mind.

However, there are even more miraculous benefits if we eat three dates every day for a week. The following will occur after a regular eating date for a week.

1. Reducing the risk of colon cancer

A study conducted by the Department of Food Science and Nutrition found that dates can help improve colon health. Because dates help increase the growth of good bacteria and inhibit the growth of colon cancer cells.

On the other hand, dates also help ensure that the digestive system and intestines in our body are healthy and free from harmful bacteria that increase the risk of cancer.

2. Increase energy

Dates that contain natural sugars, glucose, fructose and sucrose which help increase one's energy.

Certainly, dates as a source of energy are better than energy drinks. Because, dates contain healthy components such as fiber, potassium, magnesium, vitamins, and antioxidants that increase energy.

3. Improve digestion

Just like the first point, dates have the benefit of keeping the digestive system running smoothly and in good condition free of bacteria.

In addition, dates also contain 12 grams of fiber which is useful to prevent constipation and facilitate regular bowel movements.

The British Journal of Nutrition found that people who regularly consume 7 dates per day for 21 days have a more regular and smoother frequency of bowel movements than those who don't eat dates.

4. Overcoming hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are veins in the anus and rectum that swell due to inflammation. This condition usually occurs because there is a problem at the end of the digestive tract.

This condition must be very painful and make sufferers uncomfortable. Usually, the doctor will recommend eating high-fiber foods, one of which is dates.

5. Improve the cardiovascular system

The potassium contained in these dates miraculously decreases LDL (bad cholesterol) which causes blockages in the arteries to eventually lead to heart attacks and strokes.

Studies have also found that people who routinely consume foods high in potassium every day have a better cardiovascular system, they have a lower risk of heart attack and cancer.

Therefore, regular consumption of dates every day can help us avoid various problems of cardiovascular disease.


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